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Sunda Colugo  (flying lemur)


Colugos are aboreal gliding animals which is native to  SouthAsia. And they are amaizing mammals which are comming from the ancient lineage.And two existing species were able to build an entire family and and order. Colugos are well adapted species for flight and glide .They have big large skin (membrane) that extend to there paired limbs covered with fur which is called as  patagium .And that is a fact for colugos' remarkeble talant of gliding.Colugos have comb shaped teeth,which is used for chewing young leaves of trees, and also for removing parasites out of there body.They are strict herbivores,feeding on fruits,leaves and flowers.And also like many other herbivores they have enlonged intestine and a very long cecum.
colugos  are mottered  grey and green-grey in colour ,but some are reddish  brown to Yellowish-orange in colour.They also have a huge red eyes which is able to give them the night vision and depth perception.

Sunda Colugos

Sunda Colugos or Sunda flying lemures are also and interesting species of colugos .They live either in solitary or in groups .And usually in the daytime they sleep, in tree tops or holes.They can live for 17-18 years .When threatended they climb higher or remain motionless.These animals are also adapted for camouflage.There body colour blends with trunks of some trees,which they choose for there habitat. And in night it makes very difficult to seperate the colugo from the surrounding .


Scientific name - Galeopterus variegatus
Order- Dermoptera
Family- Cynocephalidae
Kingdom- Animallia
Class- Mammalia
phylum - Chordata
Genus- Galeopterus



Sunda flying lemures or Sunda Colugos  in habbitat South asia and Indonichia ( including Viet Nam and Cambodia) ,and also thailand,Myanmar and malay peninsular.They live in treetops ,rainforest and also in highlands adopt readily to plantations.


Indonichia , Viet Nam,Cambodia, Thailand, Singapour,
Malay peninsular.


Sunda flying lemures' gestation lasts for like 60 days,and a single offspring is born,rarely twins. Until weaned they travel in the mother's belly.And the independent age of the infant is around 6 months.The exact population is not known ,But the species is threatened by deforestation (loss of habitats).And the Local subsistence hunting is also a serious threat to the species .And incase of less space for there gliding activities they also might be an endangered species in the future.


Incase of the being a herbivore ,these species may have a role in seed dispersal and flower pollination.And it's our duty and responsilbillity to protect their habitats and the species in order to keep the balance of the nature.

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