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Big Cat

What are Animals???

Animals are living organisms except micro organisms and plants. They can be categorized using different features. Humans raise different animals for different reasons such as for agricultural purposes, for lab experiments, for tailoring purposes etc. From our website you can gain knowledge about amazing animals living all around the our wonderful planet.

Lots of animals are getting endangered because of various human activities such as deforestation. Not only for animals, these activities are harmful for human beings too. If you have a heart help us to protect animals and their homes. There're several things we can do to save these poor souls.


  • Reduce plastic and polythene and use the 3R concept.

  • Plant more trees instead of cutting tress.

  • Avoid killing animals and start caring about them.


If you can follow such simple rules you can help to protect a world full of cute and loving animals including small insects. it is your duty to protect all the animals including small insects. Don't be selfish and try to think about about others too. Then we can make a perfect  world.​



Image by Luca Ambrosi
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-28 at 21.59.39.jpeg

Endangered Animals' Map

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-28 at 22.06.50.jpeg

Deforestation Map 

Image by Giorgia Doglioni

Wildcritter is a website about animals that are endangered, special and rare because of different reasons.


There're information about 36 listed animals and from the article section you can find incredible articles and news about special creatures that are found in our day-to-day life and from the gallery section you can find photos and videos of some special animals...


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