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Image by Sid Balachandran


Animals are wonderful living beings. They are making the planet earth more colourful. But unfortunately they are getting threatened day by day. And we humans, should be responsible for that. Most of the animals are becoming threatened because of the human activities like deforestation. When we cut down the trees animals lose their habitats. There are dozens of animals that became threatened because of the habitat lose. And they are getting threatened not just because of human, because of the predators too. But we can't stop the predators. May be we can keep the animals away from the predators by moving them to another land. But some animals are adapted to the land that they born. So we can help the animals by our side. We can stop cutting trees and  can grow trees. So we should love the animals and the environment. 

Image by Aaliya Wahab

Animals can be categorized in different methods. So, in Wildcritter the animals are categized based on the presence and the absence of the backbone. There are 6 section in the bottom called Invertebrates, Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammals. By clicking on the relevant name you can go to the relevant page. Each section contains information about 6 animals. All together there're 36 documentary pages about the animals. You can find some important information about those animals. We hope you'll enjoy our documentary Pages.

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Image by Wallace Heng
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