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Pink Fairy Armadilo


Armadilos are small to medium sized animals characterized with a leathery armor shell and sharp claws . They also live in rain forests and semi deserts.Closely related to anteaters and sloths, armadillos have shoveled shape snouth and small eyes .Most of these species dig burrows and sleep prolifically ,up to 16 hours per day. They have a poor eyesite,and utilize their keen sense of smell to hunt.And long sticky tongues for extracting ants and termites from their from the tunnels. Armadilos are omnivores species and they their diet contains bugs, ants, plants ,fruits and small vertebrates.
Pink- Fairy Armadilo
Pink fairy armadilos or pichiciegos are the smallest species of armadilos .And these are solitary desert -adapted animals.they live in temperate and warm areas .They use their strong legs and huge front claws for digging They have a pink or pale-rose coloured shell and this shell colour is known to be having because of a blood vessel network which can be seen through it.Navigational  skill of this animal comes directly from  touch and  hearing.And it's thick and hairless tail is used for keeping their balance.It's torpedo-shaped body helps to reduce the amount of drag when burrowing underground.


Scientific name - Chlamyphorus truncatus
Order- Dermoptera

Family- Cynocephalidae
Kingdom- Animallia
Class- Mammalia
phylum - Chordata
Genus- Galeopterus


The pink fairy armadilos are very rare animals ,and only few were seen for the last years.They're known to be living in central Argentina.And their habitats are commonly build underground grasslands and sand plains.

Central Argentina


This armadillo's shell contains 24 bands which helps them to curl up easily.It's shell is flexible and softer than other armadilos but it act as armor. And they are the only armadilos with a dorsal shell which is separated from it's body ,and it's connected with a thin membrane ,runs along it's spine. And It can change it'shell colour.Their huge claws on the front make them easy to dig holes ,but makes it difficult to walk on hard surfaces ,and that might be  fact for them to have their habitat in soft area like sand plains


There is limited information about their reproduction ,the female usually gives birth to a single young during the mating cycle.
Their shell is much softer in the birth but it becomes hardened when it grows into adult.

Pink fairy armadilos are very rare species they have great danger of extinction. They're conservation status is uncertain and they have been listed as data deficient in IUCN red list. Incase of this facts they might be endangered animals facing a big threat .


These amazing creature are some times illegally removed from wild and sold in the black market.They can't survive in captivity ,dies in two days after removed from their natural environment.These creature also can't survive in the cold ,and climate changing is also a reason for their rareness.Farming activities ,destruction of habitats and predators like domastic doogs and wild boar have pose a big threat to them.And all these reasons are making arguments to urgent conservation matters.So lets help these species to survive by doing our duty to the nature.

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