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California Tiger Salamander 3.png

California Tiger Salamander


California Tiger salamander is a mole salamander which is endemic to California. According to its conservation status it is a vulnerable animal. The adult California tiger salamander is about 7-8 inches long. These Salamanders are black and have creams or yellow spots in the body. They depend on the ephemeral pools. Adults live most of their lives underground. California Tiger salamander fees on earthworms, snails, insects, fish and small mammals but they eat in very little amounts. Their eggs hatch from 10-14 days. California tiger Salamander’s Life expenditure is about 15 years.


Scientific name - Ambystoma californiense
Order- Urodela
Family- Ambystomatidae
Kingdom- Animalia
Class- Amphibia
Phylum - Chordata
Genus- Ambystoma 

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They are native to California.

Distribution Map California Tger Salamander.png

The main threat to this salamander is habitat loss.

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California Tiger Salamander 1.png
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