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Sagalla Caecilian


Sagalla Caecilian is a worm like amphibian native to Sagala Hills, Kenya. It was firstly described in 2005. According to its conservation status it is also an endangered animal. They look like earthworms but they are larger than the earthworms. These worm like amphibian can be found mainly in low density farms and patches of indigenous forests on Sagala Hill. Besides their altitude they are only found on a patch of land that has an area of 20 km². Sagalla Caecilian can be found in rich soil. It should be kept near water because its skin needs it to be moist at all the time. It is difficult for this species to expand to a newer land.


Scientific name - Boulengerula niedeni
Order- Gymnophiona
Family- Herpelidae
Kingdom- Animalia
Class- Amphibia
Phylum - Chordata
Genus- Boulengerula

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This amphibian is Endemic to Sagala Hills, Kenya.

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If the soil is dry and compact then the soil is not suitable for Sagalla Caecilian.

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