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Moorish Idol Fish 


Moorish idol has a flattened shape and wide markings of black, yellow, and white. Its dorsal din extremely long, and leaves trails behind as it swims. It mainly feeds on algae, which grows on rocks on the reef. The fish uses its long snout to reach food between rocks. A Moonrish idol lives in small groups of two or three fish. but sometimes found alone, or gathered into big groups or schools. when it becomes an adult bumps that look like horns grow it front of its eyes.  The body color of these species really can fluster the victims. These species have long streamer that is again one interesting adaptation for determent of predators. They are very sensitive to water, in night we can observe them clinging to reef bottoms. The Moorish idol feels embarrassed to eat in front of others. These species are very selective with food. And it is omnivorous. They usually eat about thrice a day. They live about 2 to 4 years. Moorish Idol is a popular pet among people. Moorish Idol is the only member of the Zanclidae family. They are very ferocious in nature when provided with less water than required.  


Scientific name - Zanclus cornutus
Order - Acanthuriformes
Family - Zanclidae
Kingdom - Animalia
Class - Actinopterygii
Phylum - Chordata
Genus - Zanclus

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 These species are mostly found in the parts of East Africa, Ducei Islands, Indian Ocean, Southern Japan, and Hawaii. Infact they can also be found in the Southern Peru and California. However, they are natives to the regions of the Indo Pacific. They mostly prefer lagoons and reefs.

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These species are the pelagic type. They generally lay sperms an eggs in the water areas. These fishes tend to be very impressive because of their larval structure. They generally acquire a size of 7.5 cm prior becoming a good young swimmer. The life cycle of these species is pretty interesting. They prefer to spend a lot of time on the surface of the ocean once they hatch from a planktonic egg. As they grow, they begin to settle on the reef.

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The main predators of these species are the Moray Eels and Tomato Crowns. The Moorish idols are also a coveted aquarium fish but, despite their abundance and wide array of habitats, they are notoriously finicky and hard to adjust to captivity.  Even though they are abundant species we should protect them also if not they will also extinct. 

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